
8Twelve Mortgage Corporation Partners with NerdWallet

Also in this edition:
• The latest from RateLand
• The Value Zone (with new fixed-variable research from Desjardins)
• Mortgage Bytes

Toronto-based mortgage broker 8Twelve Mortgage Corporation has just scored a lucrative long-term revenue-sharing pact with NerdWallet (Nasdaq: NRDS).

San Francisco-based NerdWallet is a global financial information juggernaut. In Canada, it competes against Ratehub, Wowa, and countless others to deliver rate comparisons and advice to mortgage consumers. Its global revenue last year reached almost $600 million USD.

Since touching down in Canada in 2021, NerdWallet has been climbing Google’s mortgage search ranks faster than a squirrel climbs a tree. And that's just the beginning, the company promises.

To unpack this strategic alliance, MLN talked with 8Twelve CEO and Co-Founder Gary Fooks, who dished out several business plan nuggets.

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