Chart any of over 200 fields and 100,000+ data points directly from the Mortgage Command Centre.
At this time, all data is monthly, but the most recent values are updated daily.
For more details, see this.
5yr Bond Daily
4yr Swap Daily
5yr Fixed (Uninsured) Daily
Variable (Uninsured) Daily
5yr Fixed - 4yr Swap Daily
Overnight Target Daily
30-day BA Daily
Prime Rate Daily
Min Qualifying Rate Daily
1yr GIC (Home/EQB) Daily
# in Arrears
% above/below 60-month average of variable rate
% in Arrears
10yr Bond
10yr CMB
12mo % Chg in 5yr yield
2yr Bond
3-mo BA (IIROC)
3-mo CDOR (BA) NEW
3-month Avg of Unemployment
3-month bill
4yr Swap
5yr Bond
5yr Bond - Overnight
5yr Bond 60-mo Avg
5yr Bond USA
5yr CMB
5yr Fixed Qualifying Rate
5yr Posted
5yr Swap
5yr USA - 5yr GoC
6mo % Chg in 5yr yield
Affordability (GDS) Index
Annual Change
Annual change in avg home price
Average 5yr Fixed
Average 5yr Variable
Average Canadian Mortgage Rate
Average Core (Median & Trim)
Average Core % of 5-year average
Average Core Inflation
Average Home Price / CPI
Average Home Price / Dual-Wage Salary
Average Hourly Wage of Permanent Worker
Average Rent (
Avg Big 5 5yr Discretionary Rate
Avg Big 5 5yr Discretionary Rate Spread Above 5yr GoC
Avg Big 5 5yr Special Offer
Avg Big 5 VRM Discretionary Rate
Avg Big 5 VRM Special Offer
Avg Core Minus Overnight
Avg Core Monthly Change
Avg DEEP Discount VRM Discount from Prime
Avg Discretionary VRM Discount from Prime
Avg Home Price (CREA)
Avg Lowest 5yr Fixed
Avg Lowest 5yr Variable
Avg Lowest 5yr Variable2
Bank Approval Ratio
Bank Mortgage Applications (CMHC)
Bank Mortgage Approvals (CMHC)
Bank Mortgages (x1 million)
Bank Mortgages y/y Growth
BoC Rate 5-year Peak
BoC Rate 5-year Trough
BoC Rate (1 year out)
BoC Rate (2 years out)
BoC Rate (3 years out)
BoC Rate (4 years out)
BoC Rate (5 years out)
BoC Rate (Peak/Trough Next Five Years)
Business Insolvencies
Canadian Employment Rate
Canadian GDP (Quarterly)
Canadian Unemployment Rate
Composite Benchmark - Seasonally Adjusted (CREA)
Composite Leading Indicator - Canada
Composite Leading Indicator - USA
Consumer Insolvencies
Core PCE
CPI - All-items (Base: 1980 = 100)
CPI - All-items (Base: 2002 = 100)
CPI % of 10-year average
CPI % of 20-year average
CPI % of 5-year average
CPI % of Prime Rate (CPI/Prime)
CPI Change (m/m)
CPI change over 12 months
CPI Common
CPI Median
CPI Minus Overnight
CPI Minus Prime
CPI Trim
CPI y/y Change
Cycle Low in Prime Rate
Discount from Prime (Lowest Insured)
Discount from Prime (Lowest Uninsured)
Discount off 5yr Posted
Dual-income earnings (at avg hourly wage)
Estimated Monthly Heating Cost
Estimated Property Tax per Month on Avg Home
Fed Funds Target
Fed-BoC Spread
Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured, 5 years and more
Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured, 5 years and more
Fixed-variable spread
Following BoC Meeting Date
Following BoC Meeting Change (bps)
Following BoC Meeting Probability
Full-time Employment (25 years and over, thousands)
Full-time Employment Monthly Change (25 years and over, thousands)
GDS Ratio (MLN at VRM)
GDS Ratio (MLN)
HELOCs (x1 million)
HELOCs y/y Growth
Home Sales (Seasonally adjusted, CREA)
Housing Completions (Apartments)
Housing Completions (Detached)
Housing Completions (Total)
Housing Starts (1000s)
Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (Insured)
Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (Uninsured)
Lowest Nationally Available Variable (Insured)
Lowest Nationally Available Variable (Uninsured)
Minimum Qualifying Rate (MQR)
MoM Change - Avg Price
MoM Change - Benchmark Price
Months of Inventory (CREA; adjusted)
Mortgage Assets of Financial Corporations (StatsCan)
Mortgage with 20% down on Avg Home
Multi-family Building Permits
Next BoC Meeting Date
Next BoC Meeting Probability
Next BoC Meeting Change (bps)
Non-bank Mortgages (x1 million)
Non-bank Mortgages y/y Growth
Originations (Percent Insured)
Originations (Percent Variable)
Overnight Target
Prime % above/below 10yr avg
Prime % above/below 5yr avg
Prime 120mo Avg
Prime 60mo Avg
Prime Rate 5-year low
Prime Rate Change
Real Estate Secured Lending (x1 million)
Real Estate Secured Lending y/y Growth
Real Home Price Index
Real Overnight Rate
Rental Vacancy Rate
Residential Mortgage Growth (MoM)
Residential Mortgage Growth (YoY)
Residential Mortgages (x1 million)
Residential Mortgages y/y Growth
Single-family Building Permits
Spread vs 10yr avg
Spread: 3-month BA - Prime
Spread: 5yr Deep Discount - 4yr Swap
Spread: 5yr Discretionary - 4yr Swap
Spread: 5yr Discretionary - GoC
Spread: 5yr Disretionary - Swap
Spread: 5yr GoC - 3-mo Bill
Spread: 5yr GoC - 5yr Swap
Spread: 5yr Posted - Avg Lowest 5yr Fixed
Spread: 5yr Posted - GoC
Spread: Avg Lowest 5yr Fixed - GoC
Spread: Avg Lowest 5yr Fixed - Swap
Spread: Big 5 Bank 5-Yr Yield - GoC
Spread: Discretionary - Lowest 5yr Fixed
Spread: Fixed - VRM (Avg Rates)
Spread: Insured 5yr - 5yr CMB
Spread: Lowest Insured 5yr Fixed - Lowest Insured Variable
Spread: Lowest Insured Variable - 3-month BA
Spread: Lowest National Uninsured vs Insured
Spread: Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (Insured) - 4yr Swap
Spread: Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (insured) - 5yr GoC
Spread: Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (Insured) - 5yr Swap
Spread: Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (Uninsured) - 4yr Swap
Spread: Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (Uninsured) - 5yr GoC
Spread: Lowest Nationally Available 5yr Fixed (Uninsured) - 5yr Swap
Spread: Lowest Uninsured 5yr Fixed - Lowest Uninsured Variable
Spread: Lowest Uninsured Variable - 3-month BA
Spread: Posted - Prime
Spread: Prime - Overnight
Spread: Special Offer 5yr Fixed - Discretionary 5yr Fixed
Spread: Special Offer 5yr Fixed - GoC
Spread:5yr Posted - Avg Big Bank Discretionary Rate
Spread:Avg Lowest 5yr Variable - 3-month BA (new)
Spread:Fixed - VRM (Best Rates)
Spread:Fixed - VRM (Discretionary Rates)
Spread:RateSpy Best 5yr - Swap
Total # of Mortgages
Total actual hours worked, all industries
Total Annual Mortgage Originations (YoY Change)
Total Building Permits
Total, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured
Total, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured (x1,000,000)
Total, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured
Total, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured (x1,000,000)
Total Monthly Mortgage Originations (YoY Change)
Total Mortgage Originations
Total Mortgage Originations (Last 12-months)
Total, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, insured
Total, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, uninsured
Trailing 12 mo change - Avg Price
Trailing 12 mo change - Benchmark Price
Typical Homebuyer 5yr Stress Test Payment Index
Typical Homebuyer Actual Payment Index
Typical Homebuyer Stress Test Payment Real
U.S. CPI y/y Change
U.S. GDP (Quarterly)
U.S. Unemployment Rate
Variable Avg Rate through 1983
Variable rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured
Variable rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured
Weekly Earnings (takes hours worked into account)
Working Age Population
Working Age Population y/y
Working Age Population 12-month Change
Yield Curve (10yr - 2yr)
Yield Curve (10yr - 3mo)
Yield Curve (10yr - O/N)