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Crisis-Sized Cut From the Fed Gives BoC More Options

Watch what they do, not what they say. That's the takeaway from Wednesday's Fed rate cut announcement. (Decision Details) What came out of the Fed Chair's lips was:...

Watch what they do, not what they say.

That's the takeaway from Wednesday's Fed rate cut announcement. (Decision Details)

What came out of the Fed Chair's lips was:

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Ottawa's Mortgage Insurance Shakeup Leaves People Guessing

Here's the latest on Monday's default insurance bombshell......

Here's the latest on Monday's default insurance bombshell...

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CPI Stunner Leaves the Mortgage World Buzzing

The good news keeps rolling in. Let's start with Tuesday's CPI marvel. Defying virtually all expectations, inflation has ducked below the Bank of Canada's 2% target—roughly a year ahead of schedule. And while the media and StatsCan were busy celebrating 2%, the actual figure was even better at 1.95%. (Official inflation readings are rounded.)...

The good news keeps rolling in.

Let's start with Tuesday's CPI marvel. Defying virtually all expectations, inflation has ducked below the Bank of Canada's 2% target—roughly a year ahead of schedule.

And while the media and StatsCan were busy celebrating 2%, the actual figure was even better at 1.95%. (Official inflation readings are rounded.)

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Mortgage Insurance Bonanza. Today's Lesson: Don't Short Canada's Housing Market

So, about that shelter inflation problem... The federal government must have figured home prices weren't going up fast enough because the real estate fairy just left a trio of stimulative policy changes under home buyers' pillows....

So, about that shelter inflation problem...

The federal government must have figured home prices weren't going up fast enough because the real estate fairy just left a trio of stimulative policy changes under home buyers' pillows.

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Cashback Clash: Lenders' New Tactic

How competitive is it out there in Mortgage Land? It's so competitive that lenders are now offering cashback to retain renewals. "I have never seen a cashback on a renewal," says veteran broker Jim Tourloukis. "But this is [happening now at] a broker lender. They offered the client a lower rate plus $3,000 cash on a $420,000 renewal on the day of closing!" (His emphasis.) Tourloukis, who does hundreds of mortgages a year and coaches brokers, says mortgage brokers can, and must, counter these...

How competitive is it out there in Mortgage Land?

It's so competitive that lenders are now offering cashback to retain renewals.

"I have never seen a cashback on a renewal," says veteran broker Jim Tourloukis. "But this is [happening now at] a broker lender. They offered the client a lower rate plus $3,000 cash on a $420,000 renewal on the day of closing!" (His emphasis.)

Tourloukis, who does hundreds of mortgages a year and coaches brokers, says mortgage brokers can, and must, counter these programs.

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