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I.D.E.A.S. for Better Mortgage Term Selection

Forecasting 2025 interest rates is starting to feel like reading tea leaves in a hurricane. When economic uncertainty reaches these levels, mortgage advisors need time-tested strategies that don't depend as much on economists' dubious fortune-telling abilities—or the market's, for that matter. One of this author's go-to analytical frameworks is a mortgage planning acronym I coined in the BlackBerry era 14 years ago. It's called I.D.E.A.S., and it's just as applicable for term selection today....

Forecasting 2025 interest rates is starting to feel like reading tea leaves in a hurricane.

When economic uncertainty reaches these levels, mortgage advisors need time-tested strategies that don't depend as much on economists' dubious fortune-telling abilities—or the market's, for that matter.

One of this author's go-to analytical frameworks is a mortgage planning acronym I coined in the BlackBerry era 14 years ago. It's called I.D.E.A.S., and it's just as applicable for term selection today.

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It's Official

For a while there, it seemed about as likely as finding a unicorn in a haystack, but now it's confirmed. Mortgage finance companies (MFCs) can accept uninsured straight switches qualified at the contract rate. One of the nation's largest MFCs, First National, announced the move on Thursday, reportedly after getting confirmation from its bank funders. MCAP and others are expected to send out similar notifications soon....

For a while there, it seemed about as likely as finding a unicorn in a haystack, but now it's confirmed. Mortgage finance companies (MFCs) can accept uninsured straight switches qualified at the contract rate.

One of the nation's largest MFCs, First National, announced the move on Thursday, reportedly after getting confirmation from its bank funders. MCAP and others are expected to send out similar notifications soon.

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Mortgage Reg Update: Good News + More Good News Coming?

There's speculation in lending circles that Monday's Fall Economic Statement might include one or more mortgage policy updates. Lenders have been hoping for two specific default insurance tweaks:...

There's speculation in lending circles that Monday's Fall Economic Statement might include one or more mortgage policy updates.

Lenders have been hoping for two specific default insurance tweaks:

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Banks are Apex Predators in Mortgage Marketing: Part I

The marketing prowess of Canadian banks is legendary, akin in many ways to the dominance of Amazon in online shopping. And nowhere is that more evident than on Google. Consider the search volume of Canada's biggest bank by assets, RBC. When you compare it to America's largest bank, JP Morgan Chase (JPMC), for example, you see something unintuitive....

The marketing prowess of Canadian banks is legendary, akin in many ways to the dominance of Amazon in online shopping. And nowhere is that more evident than on Google.

Consider the search volume of Canada's biggest bank by assets, RBC. When you compare it to America's largest bank, JP Morgan Chase (JPMC), for example, you see something unintuitive.

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