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New $60,000 Home Buyers' Plan Limit: Affordability Game Changer or Just More Frosting?

💡Also in this edition: • Home Buyers' Plan Strategies Last month, the government excitedly announced it was jacking up the RRSP Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) withdrawal limit from $35,000 to a roomier $60,000. That made us and many others wonder: who's actually benefiting from this $25,000 higher limit? MLN pinged the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for some hard numbers. Here's what they told us....
Also in this edition:
• Home Buyers' Plan Strategies

Last month, the government excitedly announced it was jacking up the RRSP Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) withdrawal limit from $35,000 to a roomier $60,000.

That made us and many others wonder: who's actually benefiting from this $25,000 higher limit?

MLN pinged the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for some hard numbers. Here's what they told us.

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Canadian Real Estate Investors Under Siege: Editorial

It's an all-out war on Canadian property investors. Governments and self-proclaimed "experts" are treating investors like they're the reason your kid can't afford a treehouse in Toronto, let alone a condo. Investors are convenient villains, pilloried for driving up prices and scapegoated for housing and immigration policy failings. Here's just a taste of the anti-investor sentiment in Canada and the damaging repercussions of federal and provincial governments' short-sighted crusade. 💡If you...

It's an all-out war on Canadian property investors. Governments and self-proclaimed "experts" are treating investors like they're the reason your kid can't afford a treehouse in Toronto, let alone a condo.

Investors are convenient villains, pilloried for driving up prices and scapegoated for housing and immigration policy failings.

Here's just a taste of the anti-investor sentiment in Canada and the damaging repercussions of federal and provincial governments' short-sighted crusade.

If you have investor clients fuming over governments treating them like second-class citizens, feel free to share this full article.
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BoC Cut Incoming, Market Projects

Friday's U.S. jobs report came in so tame it could've been a house pet. Rate markets cheered, BoC rate cut chances improved, and MLN's go-to fixed-rate indicator, the 4-year swap rate, dove 9 bps. Most North American yields now sit near critical technical support levels after last week's rate surge turned out to be all bark, no bite....

Friday's U.S. jobs report came in so tame it could've been a house pet. Rate markets cheered, BoC rate cut chances improved, and MLN's go-to fixed-rate indicator, the 4-year swap rate, dove 9 bps.

Canada's 4-year swap rate (Source: Refinitiv Eikon)

Most North American yields now sit near critical technical support levels after last week's rate surge turned out to be all bark, no bite.

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A Dovish Powell Takes Pressure Off Canadian Mortgage Rates

🔔The latest rate simulator is live with updated forward rates (download) It's increasingly looking like Canada's first rate cut is teed up for June 5 or July 24. But borrowers would be a lot more confident of that if it weren't for the U.S. timetable being pushed back. Based on the latest Fed powwow on Wednesday, the key stars-and-stripes interest rate is likely to remain at its 23-year peak of 5.50%—at least through the summer. On a positive note, the Fed did reassure us that further U.S. r...
The latest rate simulator is live with updated forward rates (download)

It's increasingly looking like Canada's first rate cut is teed up for June 5 or July 24. But borrowers would be a lot more confident of that if it weren't for the U.S. timetable being pushed back.

Based on the latest Fed powwow on Wednesday, the key stars-and-stripes interest rate is likely to remain at its 23-year peak of 5.50%—at least through the summer.

On a positive note, the Fed did reassure us that further U.S. rate hikes are off the table for now. Despite bubbly growth, employment and inflation south of the border, Fed Chair Powell chose to relieve markets with a dovish spiel—one that can be summarized in these two quotes:

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TD Drops the Gloves on Variable Rates

Now, here's something that'll get mortgage shoppers' juices flowing. TD has slashed its discounted variable rates. And not just a little....

Now, here's something that'll get mortgage shoppers' juices flowing.

TD has slashed its discounted variable rates. And not just a little.

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