
HSBC's Email Marks End of an Era

Most in the mortgage broker business saw this coming, but now it's official. In an email to its brokers on Tuesday, HSBC Canada said that its acquirer—RBC—"will not be entering into new partnerships within the broker channel at this time." Optimists had crossed their

January Inflation Boosts Summer Rate Cut Hopes

🗞️Also in this edition: • OSFI on its 2024 Mortgage Tightening Plans • The Value Zone • Mortgage Bytes We won't swing from the chandeliers just yet, but the fact is, Canada's mortgage market just got precisely what the doctor ordered—significantly better-than-expected inflation. And it came just in

Will Winter Homebuyers' Bets Pay Off?

⏩The short of it: Thousands of Canadians are choosing to pay higher rates to buy before demand picks up. Are they financial visionaries? Scotiabank Economists expected that winter homebuyers would try to snatch up homes at the lowest possible price – before expected rate cuts. But they didn't expect
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